Meat and Poultry
Meat and Poultry contain high nutrition of protein which bacteria like those products. Videojet can provide good quality code with a short lifetime.
Videojet is a very reliable coding machine on cold temperature conditions from past years until now, so choosing Videojet machine will be your best choice for your product!
Changing consumer preferences and the goal of extended shelve life drive constant change in films for the meat and poultry industry. Moreover, coding more information is not only required by law but is becoming an expectation of consumers. TTO and LPA are two technologies that can help you comply with these requirements while maintaining superior printing that conveys your high-quality product.
Keeping pace with form fill seal machinery
Chub packs provide ground meat with an easy-to-transport, solid shape and are used in both retail and commercial channels. Due to the lack of air inside a chub package, they often have a longer shelf life for ground meats or poultry versus trays and can be easily frozen.
Managing multiple pre-printed films for multiple products running on the same line can be cumbersome and costly. TTO gives you the capability to print product information during packaging and variabilize mark content to limit pre-printed film variations. TTO can print high resolution logos, bar codes and product information, giving you the ultimate in flexibility and efficiency.
The selection of a coding technology and fluids, when required, should be based on the unique needs of your business. Substrate and environmental considerations, stringent sanitation requirements, and heat and humidity resistance can make that selection process more challenging. With over 40 years of experience and more than 600 specialized inks, our technology experts can help you find the right solution for your production.